Edward J. Kavanagh, PhD
Professor of Biomedical Sciences
Special Advisor to Academic Affairs
BA, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY
PhD, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
Every day I look forward to working with School of Health Sciences students from a variety of majors. I bring to my students the perspectives and lessons learned from 38 years as a University faculty member as well as significant administrative experience in a variety of positions including Provost and Chief Academic Officer. In my teaching I actively engage my students through active discussion and questioning, group projects and reflective essays which gives students a choice in the topics they cover. I also engage students in current development announcements within biomedical research and patient treatment which are topics of discussion (and perhaps controversy) read by practitioners in the field. We draw from announcements from such areas as: Research Matters at NIH, Medscape, the National Institute on Aging, the Salk Institute, The Broad Institute, AAAS, the Allen Brain and Cell institutes and the NSF.
My primary teaching responsibilities are First Year Seminar (FYS 101), The Biology and Experience of Human Aging (BMS 200), and Pathophysiology (BMS 318). My scholarly interests include The diverse factors that Influence Health and disease including: geography, race, age, genetics, culture and environmental exposures, Civic Scientific Literacy and the Public Understanding of Science, the Prevention, Pathophysiology and Treatment of Disease, geosciences and the Human Experience of Aging, and the Politicization of Science.
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