Christian Eggers, PhD

Christian Eggers, PhD 
Professor of Biomedical Sciences
BS, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
PhD, University of Montana, Missoula, MT

I am a professor of Biomedical Sciences, graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Microbiology from Colorado State University and a Doctorate of Philosophy degree in Biochemistry/Microbiology with an emphasis in Molecular Biology from The University of Montana. I have taught at Quinnipiac for more than ten years, and regularly teaches courses in general microbiology (BMS370), pathogenic microbiology and pathogenic microbiology lab (BMS372/L), and epidemiology (BMS319). I also oversee the microbiology seminar and research seminar (BMS478 and BMS479) required of all senior microbiology majors.
Research in the Eggers lab includes both undergraduates and graduate students and focuses on the molecular biology of the causative agent of Lyme disease, the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. Project areas in the past have included the characterization of a bacteriophage of this bacteria, analysis of metabolic genes that may a role in the establishment of infection within the mammalian host, and the dissection of transcriptional pathways that control genes that potentially are involved in infection and disease in humans.

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